Global wireless charging devicesoutput was 55 million sets in 2014, the output rose to 160 million sets in2015, which the sales revenue reached $1.7 billion. Chinese wireless chargingmarket account for 30% of the glob al market, increasing companies stated todevelop wireless charging technology. Chinese wireless charging industry marketsize was $527 million in 2015, and the number keep growing steady.
Wireless charging electric mobile isthe new technology that some foreign countries emphasized, there was only fewinstitution devoted wireless charging electric mobile research inChina, e.g. ZTE, BYD, andChongqingUniversity,etc. By official governmental policy supported, new energy .vehicles market isgrowing quick; compare to charging station construction, wireless chargingfield has less constructing cost.
1) The Aim of Report
§ To provide readers withcomprehensive and in-depth understanding of wireless charging technology;
§ To evaluate capacityexpansion in recent years, including new projects under construction;
§ To discuss and analyzeprice fluctuation and find out its reasons;
§ To reveal detailedproduction situation of wireless charging technology;
§ To analyze the potentialof wireless charging technology;
§ To analyze market size ofthe industry;
§ To reveal opportunitiesfor wireless charging technology in global andChina.
2) Benefit from the Report
§ Obtain latest info ofphenol industry, such as market size, price index, key players, etc.;
§ Discover market potentialin upstream, downstream and different r segments;
§ Find out how wirelesscharging technology market will change and how your business can be involvedin;
§ Keep informed of yourcompetitors/their activities inChina;
§ Learn about key marketdrivers, investment opportunity ;
§ Gain vital businessintelligence of wireless charging technology before entering competition;
3) Time needed
2-3 work weeks needed
Part | Contents |
| Executive Summary |
| Definition and Methodology |
1 | Wireless Charging Technology Development |
1.1 | Wireless Charging Association |
1.2 | Wireless Charging Standard |
1.3 | Feature |
1.4 | Standard Comparison |
2 | Wireless Charging Market |
2.1 | Global Market |
2.2 | Chinese Market |
3 | Wireless Charging Technology Application |
3.1 | Overview |
3.2 | Nokia |
3.3 | NTT Docomo |
3.4 | PowerMat and Duracell |
3.5 | Powerkiss |
3.6 | Starbuck |
4 | Wireless Charging Technology Market Potential |
4.1 | Overview |
4.2 | Global Market Size |
4.2 | Downstream Market |
4.2 | Charge Efficiency |
5 | ElectricMobileApplication |
5.1 | New EnergyMobileOutput |
5.2 | ElectricMobileMarket Segments |
5.3 | ElectricMobileWireless Charging Market Forecast |
5.4 | Application and Progress |
5.5 | Technology Barrier |
6 | Bellwether Company |
6.1 | Huizhou Speed Wireless Technology Co., Ltd |
6.1.1 | Introduction |
6.1.2 | Product |
6.1.3 | Performance |
6.2 | ZTE Co., Ltd |
6.3 | Company C |
6.4 | Company D |
6.5 | Company E |
…….. |
7 | Forecast And Prospective, 2015-2020 |
8 | Conclusion And Recommendation |
| ASKCI's Legal Disclaimer |
List ofTables
Table 1 Wireless chargingassociation
Table 2 Wireless chargingassociations and standards
Table 3 Global wireless chargingdevice output forecast
List ofFigures
Figure 1 PowerMat Iphone case
Figure 2 PowerMat public wirelesscharging application
Figure 3 Global wireless chargingdevice output
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